For Students

For Students

How It Works?

Connect with the Perfect Teacher in Just 3 Steps..

STEP - 1
STEP - 1
Find a Teacher

Find the perfect teacher by going to the Find Teacher page and filtering according to your needs and level.

STEP - 2
STEP - 2
Book an Appointment

Chat with teacher to see if they meet your needs, then select date and time for a live lesson.

STEP - 3
STEP - 3
Start Learning

When the appointment time comes, make a video connection with the teacher via Zoom or Google Meets link.


Find a perfect tutor for you today.

1-on-1 Online Tutoring for Everyone

  • On-demand Live Tutoring

    Join your live classes on Zoom, Google Meets or the platform of your choice.

  • Verified Teachers

    Real teachers with verified identity and education information.

  • Payment Gateway

    Secure payment method provided by Stripe

For Teachers

For Teachers

How It Works?

Connect with the new Students in Just 3 Steps..

STEP - 1
STEP - 1
Verify Your Profile

Complete your tutor profile then send verification on your dashboard. After verify you can create time slots for lessons.

STEP - 2
STEP - 2
Add Booking Details

Go to "My Calendar" page on your dashboard than click "Add/Edit Bookings" for create your available times for lesson.

STEP - 3
STEP - 3
Accept Bookings

Chat & Accept bookings from the "Bookings" page in the dashboard. Then enter the zoom/google links and start the lesson.

Connect with qualified instructors tailored to your specific learning needs.

Connect with qualified instructors tailored to your specific learning needs.

Let’s Start with BanPasa

Find your ideal tutor effortlessly with just three simple steps. Our platform links you to proficient educators who are customized to meet your specific learning requirements.